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  • Writer's pictureVanessa Marcelino Zamora

Thank you

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

Dear, Mrs. Tate

I'm glad that I have had you these pasted two year. Last year for Biology and this year for AVID. You made biology so fun for me everyday. You made me be more into the subject. Thanks to you I made great friends while you moved us around every other three months. This year has been a crazy year but thank you for always trying to makes things a bit different at times in AVID and making me laugh at times. Thank you for always being there and taking some of your time for office hours. I mostly just wanted to say thank you for your hard work.

Here is some of the work I have done in my digital photography class.

This is my silhouette assignment that I did with my mom and siblings

This one was really fun. I was lucky that my siblings were able to be still for the picture. For my mom it was funny to see her try to be straight as possible but we still got the job done.

These were taken on the beginning of the year. When learning about different type of rules used in photography.

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