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  • Writer's pictureVanessa Marcelino Zamora

Winter Break 2021-2022

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

This winter break I didn't go out much but went to Mammoth Lake, CA and stayed home taking care of my siblings. Also played many video games with my cousins.

This is a picture taken at my backyard of my cousins taking my brother for a little ride. This was taken before winter break on December 5, 2021. Before I took the picture, I wasn't really thinking about taking the picture, but it looked funny and cute seeing my brother look confused, so I took it.

This was a game my cousins and I played on Christmas Eve. My family and I went to their house for Christmas. I took a picture of the end of the game because my character won, and I was full of joy because I've never won to my cousins. They are good gamers so it's hard to win against them.

This day was when Spiderman No way Home came out. We went to the Market Place to watch the movie. After the movie my friend Tania's brother was hungry so in the picture, we were walking to In N Out. At the end the restaurant was packed so Tania's brother didn't get his food.

These pictures were taken an hour after they woke up. I had taken them because we were playing around and just took the chance to get good pictures of them. The first ones were taken on December 21 and the last one it was taken the next day. They were wearing the same thing due to it being too cold to change them.

This is a picture of my family and I going to Mammoth Lake. We stopped once we saw that there was a lot of snow and it looked so beautiful, so I took a picture of the view next to my window. This was on new year's when we went to Mammoth Lake.

The picture was taken outside of a family Bar. The place is called Mammoth Brewing Company. I've taken this same picture each time I go just because I love the view of the sunset. This was new year's also when I took it.

I took this while we were waiting for our food. The kids just sitting and waiting for their French fries. Same day the picture was taken, so on new year's. I took the picture due to them being at the restaurant for the first time and it was also our first time being at the second floor of the building.

This is a video of us in the restaurant. before getting to the restaurant, we had a day of playing in the snow. The snow was soft as a pillow.

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