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  • Writer's pictureVanessa Marcelino Zamora

My favorite 3 photos taken this school year

Updated: May 27, 2021

These pictures have been the best ones I have taken this year and also my favorite ones.

This is a personality portrait of my little sister Cynthia.

This is my personality portrait assignment. I took these photos right after my sister took a bath. She was a bit moody so I took advantage of that. What I like about this assignment is that I was able to actually take the different emotions/personality my sister had. What I would've done different is if I've taken the bottom right photo a bit higher. So that it would've been the same exact spot I took the rest of the photos.

A forced perspective picture of my sister.

This is my forced perspective assignment. It was a bit hard to take the picture just because my siblings wouldn't stand still. When my sister stood still to look at me that's when I took the picture before she took her eyes off me. I really like that I was able to make the flower look like it was on her head. I also like that my sister actually stood still for those few seconds. What I would've done different is moved a little bit forward so you couldn't see the things behind my sister.

A silhouette of my mom and my siblings.

This is my silhouette assignment. This one was a lot of fun because I had my mom to help me. We kind of didn't know what to do until my mom thought of the idea of carrying my siblings. I really like that I was able to get it dark enough and that the silhouette looks really nice. What I would've done a bit different is crop the picture a bit.

These are my classmates pictures.

This is Grace Haas photo. What I like about this photo is the way her dog looks. You are able to see the details are its fur. I also like that the picture was taken somewhere else rather than her home. The background really looks amazing.

This is Alexa Hernandez photo. What I like about her picture is where she took it from. I like that we can see the corn fields and the hills. Also how the clouds are in her photo.

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